Since my childhood I have been fascinated by “what moves people and why”, I ended up in astrology, among other things. My first acquaintance with this was a book written by Linda Goodman entitled: Zonneklaar; astrological character sketches. Both positive and negative character traits are described very humorously and were recognizable when I looked at my family, friends, colleagues or sports buddies. Only later did I train as a Trainer and Coach for Personal Development, the lessons of which were based on intuitive astrology and chakra psychology (according to CG Jung). I learned a lot, including about myself. Around that time my father gave me a beautiful plaque of a Sun, and everything fell into place. It has become my logo for my practice clear, and now for ZonneklaarKunst. The sun is a celestial body, part of our cosmos. The Sun in your horoscope is your zodiac sign, it is “the way to yourself”. The Sun is the core of your being and connected to your heart. It symbolizes your deepest need: the feeling of coming into your own as a unique individual with the power to express that in the world.
Although I could only opt for being an artist at a later age, the artist in myself has always been involved in all kinds of creative areas from childhood. Such as working with fabrics/textiles, designing and making clothing (coupeuse diploma), and designing and furnishing gardens and interiors. In recent years I have also been making statues/sculptures in clay and bronze and sculptures.
From a young age I was fascinated by the universe, astrology, the human psyche (what moves people and why) and the natural treasures of our earth. Everything is energy and touches each other and that is much bigger than our world. You will find that in my work. I want to transfer that love for natural treasures through my art. Sometimes I am inspired by an image or (self-made) photo, or I am guided by the stones, materials or techniques. I also like to work in series. It seems like I don't have a style of my own, but if I had found one I would be bored to death! Exploring and discovering all kinds of art forms is perhaps my favorite challenge and my passion to (survive) life. There is a beginning, an idea and how it ends is always a surprise. I am changeable and continue to discover and amaze myself.
Everything is energy and touches each other and that is much bigger than our world. You will find that in my work. I want to transfer that love for natural treasures through my art.
Art with materials from your company or production process, inquire about the possibilities without obligation.
2016 - 2020
IKO kunstopleiding
HoogstratenDekleinetiki in Breda. Kunstzinnig Dynamisch Coachen